Picture gallery: 13 touching pictures

Good deeds can do more than you might first realize. For example, someone who helps an elderly lady across the street may inspire other people to do the same. The Samaritans in the following pictures are setting a good example!

These videos will warm your heart. (Scroll down to the article.)

The following touching pictures show people or animals who have done something good or to whom something good has happened. The moving stories behind it can warm the iciest heart.

1. “My dog ​​was very tired, but for some reason he had to follow me to the bathroom in the middle of the night.”

Sleepy pup from r / aww

2. “This cute little boy has not been doing very well since his grandfather died. He wanted a little crochet doll that looks like his grandpa and that he can always have with him. He chose this photo and asked that his grandpa keep a fish. “

Perfect gift from r / MadeMeSmile

3. “My sister is currently working in Egypt and has no friends there to visit the pyramids with. So she took her Uber driver with her … “

Good guy Ahmed

4. “My grandfather fell this morning mowing the lawn. He broke his hip in the process. The paramedics who took him to the hospital came back later and mowed the rest of the lawn. “

5. “I took the opportunity and decided to save this cutie instead of having him put to sleep. One of the best decisions of my life. “

Took a chance, and decided to rehabilitate this boy instead of letting the vet put him down. One of the best decisions of my life. from r / MadeMeSmile

6. “My mother always baked a cake for my birthday. Every year for 44 years. She died two months ago. My father tried his best. That moved me to tears. “

7. “20 years later I became a nurse. In the same hospital where I beat my cancer. “

This made my day! from r / MadeMeSmile

8. “This girl was paid US $ 1,000 for her hair. She donated the money to cancer research and her hair is used to make wigs for cancer patients. “

Beautiful Soul from r / MadeMeSmile

9. From top to bottom, “I don’t know this man’s name, but he deserves credit. This woman (red arrow below) first examined his three baskets full of gifts for Valentine’s Day and then jokingly said: ‘Have you bought something for every treasure you had in your life?’ He replied, ‘No, I’m a school bus driver.’ “

Total Hero! from r / MadeMeSmile

10. “A 93 year old toy maker was busy again. I have just picked up 300 wooden fire engines from Ed Higinbotham that will be given out to children in the area for Christmas. “

11. “I sent my son to a private school. He was sad because he had to leave his best friend Barrett. He has been going to the new school for three months. Today the teacher announced a new student. Guess who that was! Barrett! “

12. “I have repaired the wing of a pigeon. Then she went to get her friend. Now they live with me. “

Let’s keep being ourselves till the good things start coming from r / wholesomemes

13. “I’m so proud of Justin. His friend (the one without a jacket) is not allowed to wear a costume because of his religion. That’s why Justin and the rest of his pals gave a little thought. They had an idea how they could all dress up without excluding anyone. May I introduce: the President of the United States and his bodyguards. “

Kids are the best bros from r / HumansBeingBros

These heartwarming images give you back your belief in humanity! But stories like that of 23-year-old Shoshannah Hensley also touch the heart. No less poignant is the feat of 11-year-old Juan Pablo, who takes care of his brother.

This family, who collects money to train a carer, can also be a role model for everyone. This also applies to this 6 year old who donates his hair to a good cause.

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