9 things in the household that you can fix yourself

Are DIY store visitors the better people? At least that’s what Wolfgang M. Heckl, General Director of the Deutsches Museum in Munich, thinks. In his book “The Culture of Repair”, he explains how the practical use of screwdrivers, pliers & Co. brings people into harmony with the world. Heckl is certain: if you understand how things work around you, you not only live more self-determined and happier, but also show more respect for your surroundings. The fact that you also save money and avoid rubbish when repairs are a nice side effect.

Unfortunately, many things today are deliberately built so that they cannot be repaired. Nonetheless, there is still a lot that you can take into your own hands. Here are a few examples of minor repairs that don’t require a handyman.

Looking for inspiration? Here you can find tried and tested home remedies and more. (Scroll down to the article.)

1. Wash basket

The magic bullet against broken wires and cracks in the sheet metal is called kneading metal or modeling glue. The mass is simply shaped and after a few hours it is so hard that it can even be sanded off. Since the kneading metal is waterproof, the area is even protected from rust – ideal, for example, for broken small parts in the dishwasher.

2nd door

Occasionally it happens that a door no longer closes properly, even if it still fits perfectly into the door frame. Most of the time the setting has warped and the “snapper” no longer falls into the recess on the door frame. To adjust the door correctly, it helps to paint the “snapper” with lipstick. This marks exactly how far and in which direction the door must then be readjusted on the hinges.

3. Zipper

You close your jacket, but the zipper underneath the slider opens again right away? Then the slide is probably worn out. The gap between the top and bottom of the slide has become too large and no longer interlocks the two bands tightly enough. Solution: Use a pair of pliers to carefully squeeze the slide. Be careful not to press too hard, however, or the slide will break.

4. holes

In the past, holes in shirts and socks were regularly plugged. Clothing is so cheap these days that if the worst comes to the worst, hardly anyone will bother to mend it. From an ecological point of view, however, this is a mistake: For example, up to 15,000 liters of water are used to manufacture a single T-shirt.

You can stuff broken textiles like this:

First, stretch the fabric so that you can see the hole clearly and it cannot slip. Use the darning yarn to pull evenly spaced transverse threads over the hole. They now look like the rungs of a ladder. Now use the yarn to weave lengthways threads through the cross threads – alternating once above and once below.

5. Washing machine

Regardless of whether you are faced with a puzzling smell, the door does not open or the spin cycle does not start – a clogged fluff filter is responsible for many washing machine problems. Therefore, always check the lint filter first before you order a craftsman.

This article informs you about further repair tricks for washing machines.

6. Faucet

If the tap drips, the cartridge inside the fitting is often calcified. To decalcify or replace it, you first have to turn off the angle valve on the water inlet and let the remaining water run out of the tap. Now it is important to find the right screw. It is usually hidden under the small red-blue panel on the lever of the tap. Loosen the screw, remove the lever and use a pipe wrench to loosen the ring that holds the cartridge in place. It is best to take the old cartridge with you to the hardware store to find the right replacement part.

7. Cell phone

If you dropped your phone in water, you should quickly put it in a bag of rice. The rice attracts moisture and thus helps the delicate device dry quickly without being damaged. Numerous cell phones have already been saved in this way.

8. Tiles

If a new floor is laid, you should always ask the floor layer to leave some of the leftover materials. If, for example, a tile breaks, it can be replaced without any problems. First, use a sturdy cutter to cut out the grout around the broken tile. Then remove the broken tile piece by piece with a hammer and chisel. Remove the old tile adhesive and dust from the surface and insert the new tile with tile adhesive. Now all you have to do is apply the grout. The color of the new tile may still stand out a little for the first few days, but this will balance out over time.

9. Drain

Things constantly end up in the drain that actually don’t belong there. Until the time comes: the drain is blocked. For a chemical-free pipe cleaner, just mix baking soda with salt. Pour this mixture down the drain and pour in warm vinegar. Finally, rinse with a liter of hot water and the blockage is resolved.

Of course, these 9 points are only examples that should encourage you to repair broken things yourself instead of throwing them away or calling a specialist. If the repair attempt does not succeed, you can always do it. However, be careful with electronics: an expert should always be there! For all other areas you will find an additional article 15 more DIY tricks that will help you out of a jam.

Source: lovable magazine

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