Last photos of people before they left the world

Death does not always announce itself. Sometimes we are so surprised by the death of a loved one that we are overwhelmed by our sadness and bewilderment over the sudden loss. Because when it hits the people who are closest to us, we become aware in a very painful way how fragile life actually is and how quickly it can end.

Here are emotional stories that really inspire you. (Scroll down to the article.)

On the Internet platform Reddit, the bereaved share the last photo of the loved one they lost to remember them lovingly, but also to show that every opportunity should be used to tell the people you love, how much they mean to you. After all, it could be the last time that you have the opportunity.

1. “This is the last photo of my brother and me that was taken just a few days before he was murdered. He was just 17 years old. I miss him terribly. “

This is the last picture of my brother and I, taken days before he was murdered this February. He was only 17 .. I miss him terribly. from r / lastimages

2. “My mother, Easter 1986. In hospital, with terminal cancer. She died in July, but that was the last time she had her picture taken. I was 2 1/2 years old. “

My mother, Easter 1986. Hospitalized with terminal cancer. She died in July but this was the last time she let herself be photographed. (I was 2 1/2). from r / lastimages

3. “The last photo of my buddy just before he fell 9 floors to his death.”

Last photo of friend who fell nine stories to his death from r / lastimages

4. “My grandmother who proudly presents her homemade delicacies to her guests. Exactly 9 minutes later we had to call the ambulance. Rest in peace.”

My grandma shows off with his preparations for her guests. Exactly 9 minutes before we call ambulance. RIP. from r / lastimages

5. “A work colleague of mine died of cancer last Saturday. When my boss got her work cell phone back yesterday, she had deleted all files on the cell phone, except this photo. “

A woman at my work passed away last Saturday from cancer. When my boss picked up her work phone yesterday she had deleted all of its content except for this picture. from r / pics

6. “My brother (left) took his own life earlier this month. This is the last photo of the two of us that perfectly describes the relationship between us. “

My brother (left) took his life earlier this month. This is the last photo of us together, perfectly describing the relationship we had. from r / lastimages

7. “My father in the hospital while he was dying of emphysema reading an anti-smoking pamphlet I made for him when I was a child.”

My dad, in the hospital dying of emphysema, reading an anti-smoking pamphlet I made him when I was a kid. from r / lastimages

8. “This is the last photo of my best friend Tara (24) and her sister Pippa (21) that they took at the end of a three-month tour of Morocco. Both died the following day in a car accident on their way back to the UK. They wanted to be home on time for their mother’s birthday. “

The last image of my best friend Tara (24) and her sister Pippa (21), taken at the end of a 3 month trip around Morocco. They both died a day later, in a car accident, as they started their journey back home to the UK for their mum’s birthday. from r / lastimages

9. “This is the last photo of my son. He died 5 minutes later, on September 4, 2017, at 3:12 p.m. from a swimming pool blackout (unconsciousness as a result of low oxygen supply in the body while diving). “

My son’s last photo – died 5 mins later due to Shallow Water Black out on Sept 4th, 2017, 312 pm from r / lastimages

10. “My best friend (left) and I on our last trip together. Two weeks later we were attacked and a knife stab in the heart killed him. “

My best friend (left) and myself for our last ride together. Two weeks after that day we got mugged and he died knifed to the heart. from r / lastimages

11. “I took this photo of my dozing grandma on March 11th. If only I had known that she would not be there just 12 days later. “

i took this photo on march 11 of my grandma napping; little did i know she would pass just 12 days later. from r / lastimages

12. “The last photo that was taken of my mother reading something to her only grandchild. She succumbed to cirrhosis of the liver caused by alcohol abuse on March 26th. “

The last photo ever taken of my mother. Reading to her only grandchild. Alcohol induced pancreatitis took her on March 26th. from r / lastimages

13. “Shortly after my mother died, I looked at her house on Google Earth. That is her! I still get goose bumps. “

Shortly after my mother passed away I decided to look up her house on Google Earth. That’s her. Still gives me chills. from r / lastimages

14. “This is my little brother who took his own life on May 20th this year. He was such a nice and good person. No words in the world can describe how much I loved him, but I know that I will always miss him. “

My baby brother who took his life on May 20th of this year. He was such a very kind and sweet person no words can’t express how much I loved him, but I know I’ll miss him dearly. from r / lastimages

15. “Rachel Scott and Nick Baumgart at a 1999 dance show. Rachel, just 17 at the time, was shot dead two days later in the Columbine High School rampage. She looked adorable that evening. “

Rachel Scott and Nick Baumgart on prom night, 1999. Rachel, 17 at the time – was shot and killed two days later at Columbine High School. She looked beautiful that night. from r / lastimages

16. “On February 3, 2016, my father died of a brain tumor. This photo was taken on the day I drove back to university. He died 3 days later. It was the last time that I saw him. “

February 3rd 2016, my dad passed away from a brain tumor. This photo was taken the day I went back to University. He died 3 days later. It was the last time I saw him. from r / lastimages

17. “My best friend all over the world, from the sandpit to graduation (right). He died of an overdose 5 years ago today at 19 while I was in the army. I miss him so much. “

My best friend (right) in the whole world from childhood on graduation day. He overdosed 5 years ago from today when we were 19 and i was away in the Army. I miss him so much. from r / lastimages

18. “The last time I saw my mother. She died on the way to me – in the passenger seat of my brother’s car on December 7th. She was singing and dancing happily in the car when she suddenly had a heart attack. I miss her so much.”

Last time I saw my mom, Thanksgiving. She passed away on her way to see me December 7th in the passenger seat of my brothers car. She was singing and dancing in the car and had a heart attack. I miss her so much. from r / lastimages

No matter how often you remind yourself that death is part of life: The overwhelming grief over the loss of a loved one is connected with a pain that seems almost endless. Over time, while we find it easier to accept that this person just preceded us, we will miss them until the end of our lives.

Other heartbreaking stories about grief:

Thumbnail: © Reddit / itssydneyy